Saturday 29 June 2013

How to Prepare for MUET Speaking?

Alright, MUET Speaking is coming soon...(I know by the fact that you are google-ing for this)

Okay, I may not be good enough to give advice (Band 5 - and I'm humble ;) but it's worthy for me to share this as I was asked on how to prepare for MUET speaking by my relative. So, I guess, maybe others may want to know too.

Before the speaking day:
This was what I did. I tried to answer all the past-years questions. After I tried orally, then only I looked at the answers at the back.
- This will at least help you to sharpen your brain to think of some points
- By then, you may realised that you are not only worried on speaking but on thinking points too...that's more to gain more knowledge..then, you can give more mature examples and even quote some wisdom words from Nelson Mandela, etc.

Before the speaking exam:
While waiting for other groups in the session, I practised with all my group members.
We had a consensus that I would snap my fingers in the last 1 minute so that the weakest guy can conclude. The weakest guy was assigned to conclude because concluding job is rather easy..he just needed to wrap up what we've said and state our stand. (we gave him the easy chance to speak)
- But the thing was...he spoke like 1 sentence and I'm like, unwilling to waste the few seconds left..and I was prompted to add 1 more strengthening conclusion but the other guy next to me ended up adding some sentences...and the invigilator knew that and said this after time's up:
"He's already making the conclusion but you all still add some points..." (in a soft acknowledging way, not the scolding type..)
- by the way, I saw the invigilator dozed off during our session as if she had just taken migraine pills (well...she must be tired as we were in the afternoon session)

The thing is, I usually speak in English since I'm in secondary school and I'm comfortable speaking English.
For those that use other language as your mother tongue, please speak English as often as possible so that you are comfortable using the language. After the exam, it's fine if you want to revert back to your mother tongue mode. But at least, for the sake of this exam, be it speaking or writing, just use English when you are talking or even dreaming.
You'll make mistake when you start to talk, but it's better than not talking in English at all.

If possible, you may want to check the phonetic spelling in the dictionary to know the correct pronunciation. It costs a lot to attend phonetic spelling classes but you can actually learn this yourself from a good and thick Oxford Dictionary (there are guide provided in the dictionary, with the level of stresses as well).
Or the short-cut and short-term learning way is to google for the pronunciation. :)

Words that are usually pronounced wrongly:
- development (it's D-wear-lopment, not DEVILopment)
- chaos ( kei-os, not chaus)

How to answer:
- provide 3 points or 2 really strong points
Point + explanation + example

- maybe end with some wise quotation ?


“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

How to Prepare for Scholarship Interview

Getting a scholarship is extremely important at this juncture, for your future...Well, let's not waste time. Here are my advise:

1) Prepare all your documents. Check the checklist which are usually provided in the scholarship form. Put them properly into the certificate folder.

2) Get your documents certified (if needed). You can always go back to your secondary school to get the headmaster or Guru Penolong Kanan (GPK) who are eligible to certify. Normally, your teachers will direct you to the right person who are capable to certify..don't worry too much about that.

3) Get your necessary forms printed at least 2 days earlier. You know, whenever we want to print something really important, the printer will be broken down or gives you all kinds of technical problems. The earlier you prepare, the better!

4) This might sounds lame..but, I still got to say it : Just be yourself! 
If you want to cry or gossip or anything, just go ahead..I cried during a scholarship interview because I talked about how my dad worked really hard to support the family ( I followed my dad to work and  I know exactly how tiring it was). Plus, I also talked about how I used to laze around and chit chat when I was working as a part time promoter...seriously..thinking back, I wondered how could I talked about such things in front of 4 strangers...but the interviewers are seriously good in digging info from me (they are really nice to me and talked to me like good friends)...but the thing is, I got hold of the scholarship that I really wanted and I'm really satisfied after the interview (probably because I've never been more spontaneous than ever?)

5) I thought this might be common sense but some people might have extraordinary common sense...Please wear appropriately. Usually it'll be formal if the dress code is not mentioned. To be safe, baju kurung is the universal dress in Malaysia!

6) Check for the interview venue. Please back up with some public transport alternatives! Seriously, when my friend went for an interview, the KTM station was down...and her boyfriend had to depend on the GPS to bring her there...I really felt pity for the guy who had to drive all the way to an alien location with just the help of the unreliable small talking device.

7) Please arrive at the office at least 30 minutes earlier! I used to be late for an interview just because the KTM's departure was delayed!!! Luckily, I managed to go for the next session, but I'll have to wait for 2 hour...:(

8) It's perfectly fine to make a copy of a document that you are unsure whether it's needed or not. Some words are quite ambiguous that made you to mistaken that you may not need the document. But, if the document is really important and it doesn't make sense not to bring it, please, by all means, bring a copy of it. Or else, you'll end up like me, spending 50 cent just to photostat my 1 page result slip at that complex!

All my mistakes were made when I went for interviews after my Form 5 (still fresh that time)...After Form 6, I never make such mistakes anymore...:)